How To Press Flowers

Pressing flowers is an art that can be historically tracked back to ancient Egypt.

Once pressed, you can use the flowers to beautifully decorate artwork or - if they're edible flowers - you could even decorate a lovely cake. They can also be put inside resin for jewellery or an ornament to preserve them.

Here's a simple step by step guide on how to press flowers which includes some helpful tips if you've never pressed flowers before.


Step 1. 

Select flower(s) from your garden you want you want to press


Tip: If you're picking flowers from your garden, ensure to pick them at the end of a warm day so they are dry, this also allows insects to collect the pollen.

Step 2.

Open the Whistlefish Flower Press by unscrewing the bolts on each corner.

Step 3.

Starting with the base board, lay a sheet of card and a sheet of blotting paper.

Step 4.

Carefully arrange the flowers on this sheet in the position you want the flowers to dry in, making sure that no petals or leaves overlap.

Tip: Place flowers downwards to get the petals flat and stay in position more easily.

Step 5.

Lay a piece of blotting paper over the top and another piece of card, lay more flowers and repeat steps 4 and 5 as many times as you need.


Step 6.

When you are finished and ready to place the top wooden layer on, put it on the top of your sheets, slot the bolts through the holes (from the bottom up) and place the top board on to the bolts, screwing them down evenly.

Step 7.

Leave in a warm, dry and well ventilated place for at least six weeks before bringing the flower out for use (a warm cupboard is perfect). Check weekly and tighten the wing nuts as necessary as the flowers dry out and shrink.




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