Will has art in his veins. His love for creation comes across in his work, whether it be a Cornwall coastal scene or a portrait of the late Robin Williams. Will hails from Cornwall, creating his distinctive artwork from Childhood memories where he was constantly by the sea and always felt free.
Will enjoys a combination of city and countryside and feels himself lucky to have been able to travel to different places while growing up. His top favourite, however, is the West Indies and particularly Barbados.
Paint is Will’s favourite medium when he’s feeling particularly expressive and open. He likes to use it freely, throwing it around and not worrying about the mess. When he’s feeling more grounded and focused, he turns to detailed illustration as his artistic outlet.
Whatever his medium, Will aims to make each piece of work communicate something to the viewer and he feels that communication is key in everything he creates.
Will feels that everyone is capable of artistic expression in one way or another and he hopes in the future to have his work exhibited in New York and he would like to be able to inspire others to realise their own artistic talents.